Now here's an interesting challenge and discussion for you!! Do we really understand what it is like to be left-handed if we have always been right-handed? Are any of you left-handed? What are some of the challenges you have faced over the years? Jump on the discussion in the comments and let us know. What are your experiences? What are your frustrations? You've watched the video on our Homepage and you can watch it again below. Things Only Left-Handed People Understand How could we make life easier for left-handed people? Add your ideas to the conversation in the comments.
You've watched the second video - you can also watch it again below. Listen to the process (Design Thinking), management listening to the ideas of the residents, residents coming up with a proposal, review by management, looking at samples... through to the final idea. Retirement Home Residents - Durable GreenBed Garden What issues did you identify from the video and what other issues can you think of that our elderly, or people with restricted movement, might face each day? Join in the discussion in the comments below.